What Does the FDA License Number Indicate?
The FDA license number is structured into five groups, each revealing specific details about the product’s approval process:
- Group 1: Business Location Identification
- The first two digits represent the province and location of the business premises. Instead of province abbreviations, a two-digit numeric code is used.
- Group 2: Establishment Status & Licensing Authority
- The third digit indicates the type of facility and the licensing agency:
- 1: A food production facility authorized by the FDA.
- 2: A food production facility authorized by the province.
- 3: A food importing facility authorized by the FDA.
- 4: A food importing facility authorized by the province.
- The third digit indicates the type of facility and the licensing agency:
- Group 3: Facility Identification & Year of Approval
- The next five digits represent the food production or import location number and the year of approval. The last two digits indicate the final two numbers of the year when the license was granted.
- Group 4: Issuing Agency
- This is a single-digit code that identifies the agency that granted the registration number for the product’s manufacturing or importation.
- Group 5: Product Sequence Number
- The final four digits indicate the specific sequence of food products produced or imported by the facility. Each location is assigned a unique sequence, depending on the licensing agency.
Why Is the FDA License Number Important?
The FDA license number serves as a unique identifier that allows consumers, regulators, and businesses to verify the authenticity and compliance of food and health products. By decoding this number, you can determine where a product was manufactured or imported, which authority approved it, and when it was registered.
Do All Health Products Require a Thai FDA Number?
While certain health products may not require an FDA mark, they must display either a registration number or notification receipt number on their label. This ensures regulatory compliance and transparency in the market.
By understanding the FDA license number, consumers and businesses can make informed decisions and ensure they are purchasing safe, approved products.