To the delight of Thai cosmetics manufacturers, FDA allows the use of cosmetic production facilities in conjunction with other health products. This FDA decision will help operators reduce costs and face economic competition.
The Deputy Secretary-General of the Food and Drug Administration revealed that at present, many entrepreneurs wish to use the production site of other types of products under the supervision of the FDA, to manufacture cosmetic products. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has considered the rules for sharing places by focusing on The risk of cross contamination between other manufactured products and the cosmetics. As conclusion, Thai FDA decided to support Thai cosmetics manufacturers to apply to use the co-production site, which can be divided into 4 cases as follows:
1. Request to use the production building in sharing In the case of using a production site together with other operator, with separate entrances and exits, joint corridors, production areas, packing and various production equipment clearly separated without overlapping sections; this must be done under the maximum control of cleanliness. Space sharing is permitted.
2. Request to use a shared walkway within the same production building In the case of using a production site under the same production building and sharing access and walkways but separate production areas; Packing and production equipment are clearly separated without overlapping parts in the control point.
3. Request to use the production/packing room together In the case of using the production site under the same production building with shared entrance and common corridor, including the usage of joint packing area but using separate machines for the production of different products that are clearly distinguished.
4. Request to use tools and production equipment together In the case we have two production sites under the same production building using the entrance, common corridor, production area Packing and use of equipment Machines for the joint production of heterogeneous products.
Cases 2, 3 and 4 are possible in case of heterogeneous production areas with previously licensed cosmetic products not subject to cross-contamination risk.
Deputy Secretary-General emphasized that the FDA is ready to support Thai cosmetics manufacturers by adjusting the rules in order to Increase the convenience of doing business in the respect of safety of consumers. If you have any questions, you can ask for more details at after-market cosmetic supervision group Cosmetics and Hazardous Substances Control Division, call 02 590 7278.
Siam Trade development supports Thai Cosmetics Manufacturers with its regulatory services applied to GMP, ISO, cosmetic product registration and relevant manufacturing licenses.
Source: Thai FDA